Dorota Zięciowska
born in
PWST Cracow London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art - LAMDA London 1983height
169 cmeyes
excellent English British Equity Member since the year 1983 a very good knowledge of Russian and German (the main part in the German ZDF movie in 1994)skills
singing (more than 50 songs recorded for TVP2 benefice programmes of Teatr STU), secondary school of music, the piano, driving licence, hosting programmes in Englishosiągnięcia
- - the educationist of the PWST in Cracow
- - the award received from the headmaster, Jerzy Stuhr in recognition for my educational achievements in the year 1997
- - Since the year 2007 she has been in charge of the Actors' Studio in Crocow
- 2019 - ZASADA PRZYJEMNOŚCI, Serial fabularny, Obsada aktorska (Heike) 10,
- 2018 - DRUGA SZANSA, piąty sezon, Serial fabularny, Obsada aktorska (matka Elwiry) NIE JESTEŚ SAMA (6), MUSZĘ ZACZĄĆ OD NOWA (7), SAMA (9),
- 2018 - KLER, Film fabularny, Obsada aktorska (pani minister),
- 2018 - PĘPOWINA, etiuda szkolna, Obsada aktorska (matka ),
- 2015 - OTUCHA (594) w NA DOBRE I NA ZLE cast (as Grazyna Radziszewska, Janusz's wife),
- 2013 - 2014 - 1-2, 6-7, 10-11, 13) in SLODKIE ZYCIE cast (as Barbara Kozlowska, Marzena's mother),
- 2013 - 47, 51 in PRZEPIS NA ZYCIE (as Beaty's mother),
- 2012 - 64, 65, 72, 78 in HOTEL 52 (Agnieszka Danisz, Lukasz's mother),
- 2012 - 28, 29, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 40, 44, 46 w PRZEPIS NA ŻYCIE Serial fabularny Obsada aktorska (matka Beaty),
- 2011 - 2012 - JULIA (as Beata Noga, Darek's mother; episode: 4, 40, 55, 73-75, 104, 106, 124, 138, 153-154, 156),
- 2011 - 5, 11 in PRZEPIS NA ZYCIE (as Beaty's mother),
- 2011 - WIADOMOSCI Z DRUGIEJ REKI (as Beata; episode: 2, 4-8, 10-12, 15- 22, 24-25, 27-29, 32, 36, 38-40, 46),
- 2010 - Skrzydlate swinie - as Oskar's mother,
- 2010 - MAŁA MATURA 1947, Serial fabularny, Obsada aktorska (matka bliźniaczek) 2,
- 2008 - Doreczyciel - 1, 10, 11 - as Basia, Janek's aunt,
- 2007 - Magda M.- 9, 29, 44, 45, 52, 53 - Jadwiga Adamska matka Marioli,
- 2007 - Dwie strony medalu - 13, 14, 15, 22, 30, 33, 55, 60, 87, 88, 89, 90, 98, 101, 103, 104, 109, 114 - as Jadwiga Adamska,Mariola 's mother,
- 2006 - Mrok - Milosc moze zabic - 4 - as Lady Wolska,
- 2005 - BOŻA PODSZEWKA. CZĘŚĆ DRUGA, Serial fabularny, Obsada aktorska (Polka okradana przez żołnierzy radzieckich) 7,
- 2005 - Tak mialo byc - 1, 2, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 16 - as Zuzanna Kus, the sanatorium patient,
- 2005 - Szanse Finanse - 1, 2, 3, 6, 8, 10, 11 - as Beatka, the manager of the hairdresssing salono,
- 2005 - Swiat wedlug Kiepskich - Dogadzacz (201) - as the editress,
- 2004 - Swiat wedlug Kiepskich - Benefis (164) - as Natasza,
- 2004 - Pierwsza milosc - as Elwira, as the main accountant,
- 2004 - Karol, A Man Who Became Pope ? as a crying woman,
- 2003 - Plebania - 267, 268, 269 - as Ala, Jerzy Tosiek's partner ,
- 2003 - 2016 - Na Wspolnej - as Lucja Kochanowska,
- 2002 - Swiat wedlug Kiepskich - Wata Mariana (131)- the aditress,
- 2002 - Swiat wedlug Kiepskich - Expo (136) - the aditress ,
- 2002 - Haker - as the teacher ,
- 2001 - Tam I z powrotem - as the patient's wife,
- 2001 - Kocham Klare (13 odcinkow) - as Hania Nowak, Klara's friend,
- 2000 - Swiat wedlug Kiepskich - Kazachstanskije Wieciera (58) - as Irina,
- 2000 - Miasteczko - as Beata Plonska,
- 2000 - Duze zwierze - as a woman,
- 2000 - 13 Posterunek (7) - as a stoleczny's wife,
- 2000 - Duza przerwa - Sponsor (3) - a Regina Kollobucka,
- 1999 - Miodowe lata - Opiekunka do dziecka (32) - as Mankowska,
- 1999 - Krugerandy - as the landlady ,
- 1994 - Herz aus Stein - as a nurse,
- 1988 - Stormy Monday - as Christine,
- 1987 - Superman IV: The Quest for Peace - as a Russian astronaut ,
- 1986 - Casualty - as Ewa,
- 1985 - Wynne and Penkovsky -as Natasha,
- 1984 - 1985 Crossroads - as Anna Radek,
- 1982 - Moonlighting (Fucha) - as Okecie announcer,
- 1982 - Zycie Kamila Kuranta (3) - Elzbieta.
- 1981 - Blanche DuBois in "Streetcar Named Desire", directed by Jerzy Stuhr - the PWST Cracow diploma,
- 1983 - Jenny "The Threepenny Opera " - London - directed by Penny Cherns,
- 1983 - A woman in "Mala Apokalipsa" directed by Helena Kaut - Howson,
- 1984 - The wife in "Ich czworo" directed by Vladek Scheybal,
- 1988 - Klara in "Sluby Panienskie" directed by Jan Englert,
- 1989 - Starucha in "Kandyd" directed by Maciej Wojtyszko,
- 1993 - The Queen in "Iwona Ksiezniczka Burgunda" directed by Jerzy Stuhr,
- 1995 - Lady Jourdain in "Mieszczanin Szlachcicem" directed by Jerzy Stuhr,
- 1996 - Ethalia in "Rozmowy przy wycinaniu lasu" directed by Krzysztof Jasinski,
- 1999 - Karina in "Zelazna konstrukcja" directed by Maciej Wojtyszko,
- 2005 - Zosia in "Matka" directed by Piotr Cholodzinski,
- 2009 - Ona in "Botoks" directed by Emilian Kaminski,
- 2009 - PIWIDOKI, Obsada aktorska (Grossowa).
- Shrek 2 - A Fairy - voice and songs